Friday, 20 July 2012

Time to move on to Morris - July 20, 2012

JULY 20, 2012 - I've had a absolutely marvelous week here in VB - but it's time to move on - after coffee I will be heading for Morris - want to go to the Stampede tonight and maybe tomorrow - haven't been to the Morris Stampede since I was a teenager- back in the 50's I worked there one summer, selling tickets to the pony rides - but then I also got free rides on everything else -  Went to Kenora on Wednesday, with Mary and Jen - after some shopping etc. we had dinner with Dan, Sue and Stephanie - lovely dinner and a great visit - didn't get to see Spencer as he was in Winnipeg - it is literally impossible to see everyone, what with work, holidays etc. - yesterday, we went into Dryden again to do a few errands, had french fries from Chip Box downtown, just a little place, but they have got to be the best!!!! Amber would have loved them!! Visited Mary's sister, Clara while we were in Dryden - sure was great to see her again - Last night, sorted and looked at pictures to scan and copy. Thank you, Mary and Jen for a wonderful week!

I may not have Internet connections for the next few days, so this may be my last post for a while - I am just not sure where I will be, but will try and post whenever I can.

Take care and God Bless!  ~D~

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